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Ball Float Steam Traps


Proper condensate removal is essential for efficient process plant operation. REX offers a full range of established trap operating principles thermodynamic, ball float, and inverted bucket. Correctly chosen and fitted, REX traps can boost productivity, reduce spoilage, save man-hours, minimize steam consumption and cut fuel bills.


On start up, main valve is normally closed. When condensate reaches a certain level in the trap, the float begins to rise. This opens the main valve and condensate is drained until the float is lowered and the valve rests tightly on the seat. The float is positioned above the main valve & seat so the condensate forms a water seal and eliminates loss of any live steam. Since there are no pressure fluctuations due to intermittent operation, condensate is discharged at a constant temperature.


  • Discharges condensate continuously as rapidly as it forms.
  • High thermal efficiency at both light and heavy loads. Continuous modulating discharge does not create pressure disturbances, which may affect control in air heating coils, shell-and-tube exchangers, etc.
  • Stainless steel internal working parts increase service life.
  • In-line horizontal piping connections simplify installation and maintenance.
  • All internal parts can easily be renewed without disturbing the pipe connections.
  • Float traps can never “lose prime” and blow steam. When condensate is not present, the main valve closes tight.
  • Steam loss is eliminated because during operation, the main valve is always sealed by condensate.
  • The steam lock release (SLR) prevents steam locking when condensate must be lifted to the trap.

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